Whereas, censure is an act by a legislative body to officially reprimand one of its members. The act of censuring is an official condemnation for actions committed by a public official while holding a public trust.

Whereas,every Senator & Representative in the State of Michigan takes the following oath: “I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Michigan, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Senator according to the best of my ability.”

Whereas, Senators Ed McBroom, Lana Theis and John Bizon are no exception, yet on June 23, 2021 they voted in favor of the release of a report which they authored that clearly violated this oath of office.

From the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee November 2020 Election Report:

“The Committee recommends the Attorney General consider investigating those who have been utilizing misleading and false information about Antrim County to raise money or publicity for their own ends.

Whereas, with this declaration, the Committee has declared the Constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom to seek redress for our grievances to be null and void.  They are asserting that anyone who disagrees with their flawed assessment of the election particularly in matters regarding Antrim County should be investigated by the Attorney General.  They have in fact weaponized the state against citizens who disagree with them. 

Whereas, in contrast with their assertions, the Republican Platform asserts the following: “In a free society, the primary role of government is to protect the God-given, inalienable rights of its citizens. These constitutional rights are not negotiable for any American.  We affirm that all legislation, regulation, and official actions must conform to the Constitution’s original meaning as understood at the time the language was adopted.”

Whereas, this recommendation is being acted upon to the detriment of American Citizens, as noted in these articles: 

AG accepts GOP lawmaker’s request to investigate those peddling election lieshttps://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2021/07/08/michigan-ag-investigate-antrim-election-fraud-claims/7906509002/

BREAKING: Wicked Michigan AG Is Using State Police to Go After Those Who Made “False Claims” About 2020 Election Fraudhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/breaking-corrupt-michigan-ag-using-michigan-police-go-made-false-claims-2020-election-farud/

Michigan Attorney General, Police to Probe People Who Made Election Fraud Claims

Barack Obama Cheers Michigan GOP Lawmaker McBroom After He Calls for Voter Fraud Whistleblowers to be Harassed and Punishedhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/barack-obama-cheers-michigan-gop-lawmaker-mcbroom-calls-voter-fraud-whistleblowers-harassed-punished/

The Senator Who Decided to Tell the Truth, The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/06/michigan-republican-truth-election-fraud/619326/

Whereas, it is imperative for the integrity of our party that the Oakland County Republican Party censure Senators McBroom, Theis and Bizon for their actions immediately.  These actions are responsible for fomenting division, not unity, within not only the Michigan Republican Party but the Republican Party nationally.  Failure to censure these Senators for their actions will further divide our party and separate us from our core principles.  We cannot sit idly by as prominent members of our party promote the corruption of The Constitution and Republican ideals. 

Now therefore be it resolved, that the Oakland County Republican Party unequivocally condemns the recommendations made by Senators McBroom, Theis and Bizon to violate the civil rights of citizens under the Constitution of the United States.

Be it further resolved, the Oakland County Republican Party requests an apology and a published clear retraction of the statement infringing upon the 1st Amendment rights of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom to seek redress for our grievances.

Resolved, the Oakland County Republican Party will hold the elected representatives accountable to the voices of their citizen contingency.

Resolved, the Oakland County Republican Party will hold the elected representatives accountable to the platform principles of the Republican Party and to uphold the United States Constitution.

Resolved, while we firmly believe that citizens concerned with election integrity certainly have substantive grounds to disagree with their statements regarding the integrity of the 2020 Election as evidenced in the analysis of theSenate Oversight Committee Report on the November 2020 Election in Michigan posted at https://www.misenategop.com/oversightcommitteereport/, please do not mistake this call for censure as a derivative of a profound disagreement with their conclusions.  This call for censure is a direct result of their abject disregard for their oaths of office and for the Republican platform to which they claim alignment.  We either maintain the integrity of our party by affirming its principles or we do not.  This choice is now before the delegates, state committee members, and officers of the Michigan Republican Party.

Resolved, that a copy of this resolution will be immediately forwarded to the Michigan Republican Party Officers, the National Republican Party, the Oakland County Party Leadership, and copies will be mailed to the Senators named. 


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