Postal Worker Election Corruption- Tip of the Iceberg?

Authored by Becky Behrends, M.D. Vice President of Research for Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity as published in 100% Fed Up on Nov 7, 2022

The joke goes that Republicans are against mail-in ballots.  The Democrats have gone “postal” over this!

Why aren’t the Democrats going “postal” over the fact that there appears to be malfeasance in the postal service with regard to elections?

It is painfully obvious that there is more to the postal service involvement in mail-in ballots than the mainstream media wants to acknowledge.

100% Fed Up has just released breaking news of an interview with a USPS District Manager in which he directly contradicts erroneous and false statements by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson regarding whether it is legal and normal for postal workers to deliver absentee ballots to drop boxes.  It is not!  Yet, she makes this statement on a taxpayer funded state government web page called “Misinformation”.  Nothing worse than a Misinformation Guru being misinformed!

What else has the postal service been up to other than illegally delivering absentee ballots to drop boxes?

In July of this year, the USPS created the Election and Government Mail Services division.  Marc Elias, the notorious lawfare professional puppet of the left tweeted his approval:

Many fear that this will institutionalize postal service cheating on behalf of Democrats.

Mail-in ballots are an important part of the Democratic election playbook.

Biden recently announced three people to fill vacancies on the nine-member USPS Board of Governors.  One of these includes the former chief counsel for the American Postal Workers Union and another one is the head of the National Vote at Home Institute, which is a non-profit organization pushing for nationwide mail-in voting.

The US Postal Inspection Service is the oldest federal law enforcement branch.  It is a heavily unionized workforce.  What if they have decided to put their thumb on the scale?  The National Association of Letter Carriers, which is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, endorsed Biden in 2020 to the tune of 277,000 workers.  The American Postal Workers Union also endorsed Biden in 2020.  That is another 330,000 workers.

Could selective delivery of campaign mail tip an election?

It did in Baltimore two years ago.  Five days before a June 2 mayoral primary election, 68,000 pieces of election materials sat undelivered.  It was not delivered until most Marylanders had already cast their ballots by mail.  The incumbent Democrat Baltimore mayor, Jack Young, was beaten by a progressive candidate who enjoyed considerable union support.

In May, 2022, a similar event happened in Texas.  In a three way run-off primary race, Republican voters reported getting late mail from the Carrie Isaac campaign but the mail arrived on time in the home turf of her opponent, Barron Casteel.  Issac lost in her home county where $10,000 of campaign literature targeted at high-propensity Republican households was not delivered until after the election. Issac, however, narrowly won  anyway by just 271 votes but her campaign consultant stated regarding the late mail delivery:

“Of course, it had a negative effect.  The campaign went dark to thousands of voters in the crucial homestretch.  And in over 15 years of political campaigns, this has never happened to one of our clients.  That said, I’ve never seen so much union activity in a Republican primary.  This was one of a handful of Republican runoff races where there was a significant difference between the candidates on key issues such as parent empowerment, government unions, and small business policies.”

Here are other examples of wrongful postal service election related activities:

• Remember the whistleblower, Richard Hopkins who was a USPS employee in Pennsylvania in 2020? He stated in an affidavit that he was instructed by his superior to backdate postmarks on late arriving ballots so they could be counted for the US presidential election. The Washington Post later said that he recanted this claim. But in a later interview with Project Veritas, he said the following:
“I am, right at this very moment, looking at an article written by the Washington Post. Says that I fabricated the allegations of ballot tampering. I’m here to say that I did not recant my statements. That did not happen.” He also revealed that he had been intimidated and grilled by lawyers to deny his allegations. He was suspended without pay from the local post office where he worked and said, “The post office has already been threatening my employment. I am scared for myself, my family, and those closest to me.”

• Who can forget the infamous case of the USPS delivery across state lines of 280,000 ballots from New York to Pennsylvania in the 2020 election? And the shut down of any investigation of this by Bill Barr, US Attorney General? Yes, just more evidence of how corruption extends all the way up to the top of the government food chain! Jesse Morgan, the truck driver involved in the transport of ballots, was the brave whistleblower in this case. He was transporting mail-in ballots from the postal service facility in Bethpage, NY which had no ability to receive incoming mail because it had no machines to process them. The ballots in question came from drop boxes. Tony Shaffer, intelligence expert, said that Bill Barr called him and told him in no uncertain terms to “give the investigation up.”

• A Nevada postal worker was caught pledging to commit voter fraud in 2020.

• A Kentucky postal worker was fired and faced federal charges in 2020 for trashing over 100 absentee ballots. They were found in a dumpster.

It’s been said that when you spot one rat, always assume there are more.

How many “rats” are there in the postal service potentially manipulating election outcomes?  The Secretary of State in Michigan along with the Attorney General should be “ratting them out” if they were serious about election integrity and security.

Time for the citizens to do something about this in the midterm elections!


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